Earlier this week we looked at Earnest Crownover’s potential as RB2 in A&M’s backfield this year, today we’re looking at Amari Daniels. At 5’8 200 lbs last season, Daniels’ size and style of play was reminiscent of Trayveon Williams. Today we’re looking at Amari Daniels as he runs CG Counter last season.
Play Concept
We previously broke down the basics of CG Counter Read, in CG Counter there is simply no read on the end of the play. The QB hands the ball off to the RB and bootlegs backside.
Field receiver and slot push vertical and stalk block. TE blocks strongside end. LT blocks down on 3-tech. LG pulls playside. Center pulls playside. RG blocks down on 1-tech to cover for Center’s pull. RT climbs second level to block backside linebacker. RB takes hand off from QB and runs counter playside. LG kicks out end man on line of scrimmage, C pins middle LB, RB runs through the tunnel created by both blocks.
Amari Daniels Executes CG Counter
At the snap, field receiver Chase Lane and slot Jalen Preston go vertical and stalk block the cornerback and safety. TE Baylor Cupp does a nice job sealing the strongside edge inside. LT Trey Zuhn does an adequate job sealing the 3-tech inside, you want him to finish that block. LG Blake Trainor pulls and tries to kickout the playside LB but isn’t quite able to seal him outside. Center Matthew Wykoff pulls and does an adequate job blocking the MLB but doesn’t finish the block. Amari Daniels takes the handoff from Zach Calzada and runs playside. Trainor and Wykoff aren’t able to open the tunnel so Daniels sweeps outside their blocks. The counter transforms into a pin-pull sweep.
Result of the play is a 13 yard gain and a first down.
With his vision and ability to changes gears to make one-cut to turn a power play into a speed sweep, Daniels shows solid ability to be an every down back and compete for RB2 in 2022