A story on former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Terry Bradshaw changing his political leanings is going viral on social media just months before the 2024 election. The four-time Super Bowl champion is an analyst for Fox NFL Sunday.
Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin isn’t shy

The Steelers have had notable icons state their political leanings in the recent past. Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin has helped fundraise for Democrat candidates.
As previously noted on GH:
Mike and his wife Kiya, have made numerous donations to candidates for the Democratic Party. The Tomlins gave $70,000 to Obama’s Victory Fund in 2012. Mike hosted a luncheon for Hillary Clinton in 2016
Tomlin also wears his political beliefs on his sleeve. He wore clothes last season that said, “Justice, opportunity, freedom, equality, NFL.”
While Tomlin is proud to publicly state his position on politics, Bradshaw is becoming more shy.
Terry Bradshaw changed his political leanings

Per a 2020 article in the Business Jet Traveler by Margie Goldsmith, Bradshaw said he was formerly a Republic voter, but changed sides:
“I’ve been a Republican, but now I’m a registered independent. I don’t want to alienate anyone, and the minute you say, “I’m a Democrat” or “I’m Republican,” you’re kicking off the other side. I want the best person [in the White House], and I’ll pick the one who’s most like the way I feel,”
Bradshaw was talking about political parties. It’s unclear if his views on social or economic issues changed before the 2020 election.
Bradshaw’s new beliefs go viral on social media

Here is a sample of the comments that were posted after Bradshaw’s quote from 2020 went viral on social media the previous few weeks.
Terry Bradshaw is a registered independent who switched away from the Republican party during Trump. Joe and Terry need to get together.
— Gordon (@gord93) July 6, 2024
I’ve had similar visits with some of my life long republican friends. The exodus has begun, it’ll be very quiet at first. Terry Bradshaw also a life long republican has left the party switching to independent.
Going to be interesting to watch the polls over the next month!!— Sean Myers (@kssean) June 3, 2024
Terry Bradshaw can’t stand the heat from the frying pan now becomes an independent. He thinks these guys kneeling on the side had the right to do it. If you can’t stand and respect our flag I sure ain’t going to respect you when you take a knee paid to play football. Border
— Jack N combat Veteran (@JackNas51331300) June 2, 2024
@Terry_Bradshaw_ you are such a slimeball. You think that me kneeling during the national anthem is OK? I’m glad you’re not a Republican. Just remember. Trump stands forno inflation, no illegal aliens, and oil production in this country.
— Mlt12345 (@Mlt123451) June 2, 2024
Thanks so much Allan for thinking of me! Have a glorious evening! Since Terry Bradshaw has changed his political affiliation from Republican to Independent we’ll see if he’s going to show us just how smart he is now! 🤔 pic.twitter.com/Ic6axX0g9e
— 🫒🍒 JANICE💙❤🌿🦋 #STRONGER TOGETHER IN 2024 (@loveshine204) June 4, 2024
Might be a smart man. ‘Bout time.
👉🏽🏆— Vickie Allen (@VickieA73367616) June 3, 2024
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Im a republican, i am voting for trump for same reason terry voting for Biden. Im voting fir the one who i feel is more the way i think. Were both americans but we have the right still at this time to believe different things. I have no hate toward someone voting different than me its not my right to tell em who they got to vote for. Biggest diff between me and Terry im working lower middle class and hes not. Good for him.
Good for you Mark,
You’re awesome. I wish there were more people like you. Personally, I’m voting for Harris but I completely respect you voting for who you think is right for you!
Unfortunately Trump has never been for the middle class and definitely not for the low middle class so I don’t get why people in that class would even think voting for him is a good idea. It’s puzzling to me
Because we don’t like socialism and communism…and that’s what Harris stands for
But if you look at all the Presidents in the last umpteen years all have found themselves more to the middle to get elected. Biden, Obama, Clinton etc.
The people who vote for Trump and his ways. Put me in mind of someone else who had everyone following them to their death. Keep drinking the koolaid.
Middle of what controversy, turmoil, Nation destroying, in one case brain death. You can’t possibly mean politically or policy wise, that would mean you’re insane.
You have some really warped thoughts about what communism and socialism are, neither of which Harris is advocating for. However I do recall your candidate saying he’d like to be Dictator, and I’ve heard him say he’d like to be king. This country has fought opposing of those. Which of those do you prefer?
You personally heard him say that did you? Well I think we have another nominee for the golden Pinoccio award.
Trump set all that up before he left office. DUH!!!! His handling the COVID Pandemic was beyond terrible!!! He put country in highest Debt of trillions than ANY President in US history. Disrespecting military really serious crime. They risked their lives while he hid!!!!
Wrong answer!!! How far did you reach for that!! Trump stands for that. He has said Putin and China run great countries!!! HELLO!!!
You are SO wrong! Trump did more for the “working” class than any other president since Reagan. The rest buy votes by taking tax dollars from the working class to keep the poorest on welfare so they can be “controlled,” and the poor think they are doing them a favor while their children are being raised in tenement housing in poor neighborhood and buying and selling on the streets, never to pull themselves out of the generational poverty.
If high gas prices, groceries, inflation, interest rates, open borders are what Biden/Harris anre about I would be begging Trump to win.
Then I am begging for Trump to win
Good thinking I feel the same. Trump is all he says he is and then some. He loves this country and hates liars. He’s a great man,lok it how hard he works, while kamala sits on her butt. All these children are missing because of her. Rapes,killings,kidnapping,thievery and they do nothing sbout it. 4yrs what has she done? Think twice before you vote. Trump is a family man!!!!
you really have not been watching and listening why would he risk his life to helping the smallest of people.where have you been hiding.just because he has money does t make him.better or he would have taken his pres.salary
he donated it to charity.
B Ecause we liked the way the whole country flourished under Trump and hate the severe inflation we now have!
That was due to a Democrat….Barack Obama. 46-1 dug the USA out of a huge economic downfall. It took 8 years to bring the USA out. 46-1 did not manage the COVID 19 pandemic and caused this mess( corp.greed)
causing these high prices.
They certainly have thee right of freedom choice. Just as I have the right and freedom to respect them less fir making a stupid choice.
You people vote because your party says vote for that person. Obviously you have not been paying attention the last few years because of you had you would of seen that everything the Republican party keeps claiming they are doing themselves.
They are wanting complete control of this country to dictate how you walk and how you talk. You will have no control of your finances, your health,the way you live just like in a communist regime.
Your women have no control of their own health care right now as it is.
As for drill baby drill we are already the largest producer’s of oil and gas in the world now. We just export over 3/4 of it to foreign countries in the name of big money.
People need to open their eyes because this country cannot survive a dictator like trump.
I have voted for republicans more than democrats. However, when fake hair orange man bully liar trump came along, I am voting differently until he is out of the picture!
So youre an racist? Got u
Good for Terry Bradshaw, we need more People who are Independent minded.
I’m voting for Harris and for working people in and out of unions because if you vote for Trump your voting for Rich and Greedy Billionaires period. Vote Blue or Leave this Country because America was built on the backs of laber and Union Workers. Get out
Terry Bradshaw does what his friends tell him to do. Can’t think for himself. I used to have a lot of respect for him but when he engaged in approving of kneeling that was it for me. They can all jump in a lake!
I have always loved Terry Bradshaw and hearing that he is distancing himself from Trump et al makes me love him even more! Love you Terry Bradshaw!!
He doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. WHO CARES WHO HE VOTES FOR. HES A LOSER ANYWAYS. I DONT WANT HIM IN THE REPUBLICANS PARTY ANYWAYS. GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!!’ If you can’t respect our flag to hell with him I will never watch him on tv again. What would he do if his $ dried up?? HUH???
Terry is way ahead of the curve.You should listen to him.
Terry is as sincere as it gets.We should listen to him.If he is voting for Trump it’s because the percentages of success is with him over Trump s opponent.Terry is thinking like a winning quarterback.
He probably has dementia, like Joe Biden. I don’t think his vote carries much weight. Just crossed him off of one of my favorite Ole football players.
I am voting for Trump because he cares for our country. If the democrats would have voted him in last election the wall would have been built and all these illegals wouldn’t have been in our country. Prices wouldn’t have been so high and we would have all been looking at a different America. Also my grandson just enlisted for 6 yrs in the army and I pray that we get Trump back in so he can bring peace back to our country so my grandson can come back to us after he serves his time. So please everyone vote for Trump and keep my boy safe.
You have the right to vote your conscience. I certainly don’t understand why anyone would vote for that maniac, but I don’t have to understand it. Vote for whoever tickles your fancy. All we can do is pray that we are not subjected to Nazi rule.
Sorry Deb. I’m not taking the chance . These Democrat are evil. They say one thing and do the opposite. Haven’t you been paying attention!
I have to say I agree vote for that maniac and it will be Nazi rule. I want you to stop and think about the men and women who have died, come back with loss of limbs, minds and you say that you want to give up your freedom to go back to being told where you can go and what you can do. Possibly have to stand in lines for food etc., unless your so rich you don’t care that the government steals from you to line there pockets.