Ute Proud
Best believe Utahns and Ute fans everywhere are excited about this 2022 season. Beginning the highly anticipated season Top Ten in latest AP poll. No. 7 to be exact, only behind Texas A&M, Notre Dame, Clemson, Georgia, Ohio State and Alabama.
Did the voters get it right? Only time will tell, however, where they landed is not too shabby. After a hard fought Rose Bowl last season, Utah still has the Pac-12 right where they want them.
Go Utes, Go!
Behind every successful football program is a quarterback who leads and succeeds. Utes field general, Cameron Rising dares to not only finish the season stronger but catapult his draft status by seasons end. Despite the individual promise, Utah has a squad that should give every opponent on their 2022 schedule migraines! Head Coach Kyle Whittingham had one word to describe Risings return.
“Huge. Not only having the position settled but having it settled by a first team All Pac 12 player. Cam Rising is an absolute stud. He’s our guy.” during an interview with The Zone Sports Network.
What Questions Remain?
Who will replace the huge impact that now, Philadelphia Eagles, Britain Covey left behind? How quickly will Tavion Thomas and that running back room show more promise from last season? And last but not least, how will this defensive secondary respond after a slew of health concerns hampered their potential?
We’ll find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z…
Utah takes on Florida Sept.3, 5pm