ESPN senior writer and NFL analyst Mina Kimes recently debuted on a new NFL studio show produced by Netflix, with co-hosts Manti T’eo, Robert Griffin III, Drew Brees, and Kay Adams. While the NFL games themselves got impressive reactions from analysts and fans due to the huge viewership that dominated the NBA, analysts like Jason Whitlock did not like how the Netflix studio talk show positioned its host, particularly Mina Kimes, who he called “the Siri of football.”
In one of the recent episodes of “Fearless,” Jason Whitlock called out the hosts of the new Netflix NFL studio show, saying that everyone is a product of the DEI agenda. But more than others, he focused on criticizing Mina Kimes.
“It was all a setup so that the Asian woman, Mina Kimes, could pretend to be the brightest football mind in all of football,” Whitlock said, after citing the long list of reasons why each of the other co-hosts were set up not to shine in the show. “This little Asian doll is one of the brightest football minds anywhere and on that show, that’s how she came across.”
“Drew Brees disappeared, RG3 is a clown, Manti T’eo is not a broadcaster, and we’ve given Mina Kimes a script and she’ll read it and she’ll repeat all of these football talking points. What Mina Kimes is, she’s the Siri of football.”
Whitlock doubled down on why Kimes is the “Siri of football,” likening him to the digital assistant that reads out answers.
“She’s got a memory, she’s book smart, and she can memorize football talking points. If you put her on a panel with a bunch of clowns or a bunch of people that aren’t really good broadcasters and she’s got all the football talking points and she can talk about it—she’s Siri, she’s inauthentic.”
Mina Kimes is “Artificial Football Intelligence”
With how things for the new NFL studio show by Netflix was positioned, Jason Whitlock believes that the inclusion of Mina Kimes, who he dubbed “the Siri of football,” is to prepare the audience for a gradual shift from real people on game comments and analysis to an AI-powered show.
“We live in an era where people are craving authenticity and Netflix gave us none on Christmas with their football DEI panel show,” Whitlock added. “They’re preparing you for automation, they’re preparing you for artificial intelligence.”
“That’s what Mina Kimes represents—artificial football intelligence.”
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